Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Born-Again Psychopath

Typically, we associate the term "psychopath" with the term "serial killer" - and rightly so as many serial killers are indeed, psychopaths. Lesser known is the fact that psychopaths are far more common in society than one would expect. It's true. As a matter of fact, it is estimated that approximately one percent of the US population is psychopathic, indicating the presence of some three million "moral monsters" among "normal" United States citizens.

Since some of the dominant personality traits indicating psychopathy (pronounced sai-KOP-uh-thee) are grandiose sense of self-worth, ruthlessness, superficial charm, lack of remorse and the manipulation of others - it is easy to begin to understand that this is not a rare malady (think corporate CEOs, domineering world leaders, celebrities, etc.).  In truth, some corporate banking firms actually seek out upper management candidates who demonstrate psychopathic behavior in hopes that these aggressive attributes will give their banking business a competitive edge (and now, in the wake of the corporate banking crisis, the wisdom of hiring managers that generally don't care about what happens to others is being revisited).

It is noteworthy that psychopathy should not be confused with psychosis, which is mental illness that can be successfully treated to varying degrees. There is no known cure for psychopathic behavior traits as they are physically hardwired within the brain. Characterized by a profound lack of empathy for anyone or anything - psychopathy is perhaps best described by Robert Hare, global expert and psychologist as "emotional deafness". This is why psychopathic killers are especially dangerous, being wholly incapable of relating to the feelings of their victims.

So, how would one assess whether a person is psychopathic or not? Why, there is a test! Created by the previously mentioned Dr. Robert Hare, the PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist, Revised) has become the gold standard for diagnosing psychopathic behavior.  Assessing this behavior obviously involves evaluation extending well beyond the Psychopathy Checklist - but here it is:

Facet 1 - Interpersonal
  • Glibness/Superficial charm
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • Pathological lying
  • Cunning/Manipulative
Facet 2 - Affective
  • Lack of remorse or guilt
  • Emotionally shallow
  • Callous/Lack of empathy
  • Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Facet 3 - Lifestyle
  • Need for stimulation/Proneness to boredom
  • Parasitic lifestyle
  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  • Impulsiveness
  • Irresponsibility
Facet 4 - Antisocial
  • Poor behavioral controls
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Revocation of conditional release (Huh?)
  • Criminal versatility
 Other Indicators
  • Highly manipulative
  • Many short-term marital relationships
  • Promiscuous behavior          
Hmmm... So, there it is. Whom do the above characteristics describe? Do you know this person?  Are you this person? Is it your boss, your college professor, your pastor (not that I suspect my pastor), or perhaps that grumpy guy behind the counter at the post office?  It's interesting to think about. And, who knew there was a checklist?

Some postulate that the Apostle Paul may have been a psychopath. Before Paul had a life- changing experience in the presence of Christ, he operated under his given name, Saul (of Tarsus). Paul was obsessed with the practice of seeking out and capturing Christians under authority of the Jewish high priest for the pupose of imprisonment and/or sentence of death. This was a task that Paul (then Saul) performed with particular zeal. He was absolutely consumed in the pursuit of rooting out and destroying Christianity wherever it could be uncovered.

We are introduced to Paul in the biblical account of the stoning of Stephen (which Paul approved). Acts 8:3 states "... Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison." Also, consider Acts 9:1&2; "Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters (search warrants) to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way (Christianity), whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem." But, after an encounter with Jesus Christ, Paul the now born-again "psychopath" became radically changed, causing people to exclaim in astonishment, "Isn't this the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name (Jesus). And hasn't he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests?" Then it continues; "Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ".

So, seriously - was Paul a psychopath? Obviously we can never know this and though it is doubtful, we just don't have enough information concerning the pre-conversion Paul. However, what we do know is that a relentless persecutor of Christians was transformed in an instance into one of the most committed, respected and influential leaders in ancient Christianity - a "new man" who experienced a complete 180-degree turnaround. In modern society, we witness millions of people with profoundly negative social attributes - people filled with hatred, hostility, anger, despair, resentment, disrespect and deep apathy... We also witness millions of this very same group of people who have experienced an astonishing metamorphosis through the acceptance of the Lordship of Jesus Christ - and like Paul, have become miraculously transformed.

Such is the saving power of Christ.

Do you have an inspirational story of transformation through the Lordship of Jesus Christ?  Anyone may comment below!



  1. Facet 1,2,and 3 make my sons psychopaths. :) Scott

  2. Remember that psychopathy is considered to be genetic... mark

  3. Not all murderers are psychopaths and not all psychopaths are murderers, However all psychopaths are extremely dangerous. This article is dangerous for being so superficial about an extremely serious condition.

  4. Anonymous, I agree with your views regarding psychopaths. Psychopathy is most certainly a serious condition. It is challenging to achieve any great depth in a short blog article. It was not my intention to treat this subject lightly. I appreciate your comment.

  5. Psychopathy is not genetic. Nor is it a real condition. If it was rooted in genetics, the apostle Paul would've never been able to change and everything he did paradoxically wouldn't have been in accordance with his will. The apostle Paul, formerly Saul, CHOSE to be psychopathic and persecute the Christians. He CHOSE his behavior and in seeing the error of his ways, CHOSE to change for the better. That is why he was a new man. His behavioral traits and personality were NEVER rooted in genetics. They were of his own making and choosing.

    1. You speak with authority. Respectfully, I would be interested to learn how you so confidently know the things which you have stated. Thank you for your comment, Melanie.

    2. Confidence like that of the adherents and hangers on of such psychopaths are very much like the Narcissists flying monkeys, they are always assured, usually by the pschopath himself who compartmentalizes them for manipulative means. Shaul shares the same root letters exactly in the word sheol [hell] in Hebrew, he was the one warned about a sheep [one from Yisrael] who comes out from us but is not of us but is a wolf [Shaul came from the tribe of Benyamin; the wolf]. If If anyone says lo I have seen him in the wilderness [wadi=desert] do not believe him [Matthew 24] the road to Damascus goes right through a desert but still you think he is a changed man because like all Twistians/Christians you need faith because you have no knowledge and thus must rely on a wolf like Paul because faith is so much better than knowing. Here is a bitter pill not one singluar soul that has ever been a Christos lover has ever seen the shamayim [heaven] nor the face of God, he does not know you or your children because you do not know Him, end of story morning glory. Paulos was not only a psychopath and fulfils every one of the tell's he is also....a homosexual, gasp, yes, you heard right Paulos was a man loving beast of Rome. Christ means drugged and delusional in Greek, get a clue people. Your faith is nothing but whitewashed arrogance and its time that Twistians admit it before its too late.

  6. I feel I may be a psychopath. How could I possibly change to be a normal person? I do not and have never really had the 'want to' to be a normal person or to receive Christ in any way other than intellectually. I remember as a very young person being frustrated and angry with God because I knew I was not normal and not like everyone else; I remember praying to him one time "Jesus I DONT KNOW HOW TO FIX MYSELF ON THE INSIDE." (ALL CAPS BECAUSE I WAS SCREAMING AT GOD IN MY HEAD.) What could I possibly do to turn around this bad part of my personality, as I have no empathy and no remorse and no desire to be normal, let alone Christian. I need help soon; I am not sure how I am even alive now.

    1. The bible says “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” you will change when u understand what is correct and good, and what is bad and evil. Your eyes will be opened to the truth and you will change. I suggest spending at least 20 min a day reading the bible and reflecting on truths such as we are made in the image of God

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The word is very clear when it says--"if any man be in Christ--he is a new creation." (2Cor.5:17)

  9. Did Paul really change or did he find a new way to get supply? Had an encounter with God. Given a secret doctrine, and one that among a host of things, defines splitting and projecting (not me doing bad but sin in me.) Planted churches. Had followers. Spoke for God. The list goes on and on. But all things that are very hard to prove and if someone showed up now doing these things, they would be instantly called a cult leader....and have we seen one yet that isn't a psychopath, sociopathic, or narcissistic? So why would Paul have been?

    1. So why wouldn't Paul have been?

    2. Paul admits to being demon possessed then says "It's hard to kick against the goad" a line right out of Euripides Bacchae, nice one Shaul/Sheol.


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