Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pages That Speak - Ms. Mary Zopfi's Bible

I've been exploring Ms. Mary Zopfi's old bible.  Ms. Mary was a delight, possessing a bright personality and a quick sense of humor.  She was a beloved member of our church congregation.  I absolutely loved talking with her. She was so entertaining.  It is also a delight to flip through her bible which my wife, Andrea, found on the shelf in our church library (a library that Ms. Mary encouraged and later established).  


The pages are quite worn, as one might expect.  It is full of handwritten notes, some of which begin in cursive, soon morphing into shorthand (somewhat of a lost art today).  The pages are colored with many different shades of highlighter and ink - and occasional pencil.  Different colors of ink check off the chapters and books, evidence of each time she had read the bible through.  Most of the checks have dates indicating the year of reading.  Many of the handwritten margin notes contain references to the Hebrew or Greek meanings of words and phrases along with insights gleaned from numerous books, commentaries, sermons and Moody Radio broadcasts.  Added richness comes in the form of dates that indicate the passing of other church members as well as personal praises for varied blessings such as the sale of a house or birthday parties thrown by loving family and friends.  I truly wish I had been granted more time to explore the spiritual side of the lady behind that beautiful, wry, squint-eyed smile peering from behind those great big 'ole glasses.  Ms. Mary was a treasure-  and I am treasuring  this opportunity to gain a glimpse into the spiritual side of this former church pillar.

Miss you, Ms. Mary.


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