Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pages That Speak - Ms. Mary Zopfi's Bible

I've been exploring Ms. Mary Zopfi's old bible.  Ms. Mary was a delight, possessing a bright personality and a quick sense of humor.  She was a beloved member of our church congregation.  I absolutely loved talking with her. She was so entertaining.  It is also a delight to flip through her bible which my wife, Andrea, found on the shelf in our church library (a library that Ms. Mary encouraged and later established).  


The pages are quite worn, as one might expect.  It is full of handwritten notes, some of which begin in cursive, soon morphing into shorthand (somewhat of a lost art today).  The pages are colored with many different shades of highlighter and ink - and occasional pencil.  Different colors of ink check off the chapters and books, evidence of each time she had read the bible through.  Most of the checks have dates indicating the year of reading.  Many of the handwritten margin notes contain references to the Hebrew or Greek meanings of words and phrases along with insights gleaned from numerous books, commentaries, sermons and Moody Radio broadcasts.  Added richness comes in the form of dates that indicate the passing of other church members as well as personal praises for varied blessings such as the sale of a house or birthday parties thrown by loving family and friends.  I truly wish I had been granted more time to explore the spiritual side of the lady behind that beautiful, wry, squint-eyed smile peering from behind those great big 'ole glasses.  Ms. Mary was a treasure-  and I am treasuring  this opportunity to gain a glimpse into the spiritual side of this former church pillar.

Miss you, Ms. Mary.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Clever Way to Prevent Non-Believers from Visiting Your Church

     I’m on “trustee duty” at church today and I am pumped up!  It’s Community Relations Week at church and my work on the water line by the road should provide ample opportunity for me to “relate” to people as they pass by on the sidewalk! 
     Hey, here comes a young couple now! My big chance! Remember, first impressions are everything… “Hey, guys! Accept Jesus as your Savior or get ready to take the heat!”… (cold stares…)  Gee, wonder what their problem is?
     Oh!  Here comes someone else!  “Hi there, sir!  Go to Church or go to hell!” (man spits expletive and walks quickly past…) Okay, that effort seemed less than effective… 
     Wait, here comes the new family from next door (I believe someone mentioned that they may be atheists) Hmmm… Oh, I know!  “Hey, you all!  God does not believe in atheists, therefore atheists do not exist! Hahahaha!” (family turns around and walks the other way – they look… well, angry…)  What is wrong with these people???
     Alright, one more try…  Ah!  Here we go…  “Hi!  Try Jesus!  If you don’t like him, the devil will take you back!!!”.   (lady scowls and looks the other way…)  I just don’t get it…

Okay, now snap back from Storyland.  I imagine you’ve caught on by now.  I encountered the first slogan of the four above on a church sign as I drove to work a couple of mornings ago.  The other three are popular sign slogans currently being displayed at numerous “real” churches!
     Now - can someone, anyone, please explain to me how this is in any way a positive witness to our community?  Does common sense not tell us that these and any number of other similar slogans would very likely result in offense?  Is this flavor of slogan meant to be funny?  I think it is obvious to the unchurched passer-by that the slogans are not meant to be funny to them.  And, if not to them, then to whom?  Other Christians? 
     Again, please tell me that we are not promoting and supporting some sort of neighborhood-church inside-joke network at the expense of non-believers!?  In truth, I believe we are.  Does it seem that we are making light of the spiritual state of non-believers?  It does.  Are we offending and turning away literally millions of souls that pass by the front court of our houses of worship?  I think we can be certain of it.  Put yourself in their place - read the signs from their perspective - see if you don’t agree.    
     Can the church sign be a positive community relations tool?  Of course.  But PEOPLE, we have to THINK!  We have to consider the real-world effect of the messages that we place on what is often our point of first contact to prospective visitors. This practice is out of control and one-upmanship is driving it further and further toward alienating those whom we are called to minister to. We are way, way off base on this one!
Bottom line:  Churches - STOP this foolishness!  Wake up and STOP this petty and misguided pursuit to be perceived as clever at the expense of the non-believer!