Tuesday, July 17, 2012

No, no, Randy! We Don't Use the Word "Design" Here!

One of the prime challenges facing modern christianity with respect to the intelligent creation vs. naturalistic evolution battle is increasing evidence that modern neo-Darwinists WILL NOT allow themselves or their scientific peers to entertain (even briefly) the possibility of an intelligent designer.  The word “design” has been outlawed among the Darwinian ranks and good science has been defined as any study that takes a strictly naturalistic view.  Even if a system or process initially appears to have designed properties – it is understood among their peers that even entertaining the possibility (much less investigating the possibility) of a designer cannot and will not be tolerated.  And, to do so shall risk the peril of being discredited by the naturalistic scientific community.   
A recent interview clip illustrates this behavior perfectly with one Darwinist author, Dr. Randolph Nesse,  being interviewed by none other than the immensely popular pride and joy of the atheistic world, microbiologist/author/lecturer Richard Dawkins. During the first five minutes of the video,  observe how often Dr. Nesse feels prompted to use the word “design” and how quickly Dr. Dawkins jumps on his usage of the word.  This is a superb illustration of the willful ignorance that permeates a significant portion of the scientific world at present.

Best Regards,

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