Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mutant Zombie Possums

Dreams are such... curious... things.  Mutant zombie possums... How does the mind arrive at such a thing?  They grow as big as a man and they want to eat me and everyone else I've dragged into this bizarre little neural predicament. The whole town is overrun, prompting us to frantically and systematically hunt down and squash the small ones, while striving at all times to avoid being discovered (and subsequently munched) by the big ones.

Perhaps it was a recent Call of the Wild Man (Turtle Man) episode that inspired this odd REM event.  Turtle Man - responding to a call concerning a trespassing possum that had taken up residence in a client's storehouse - had quite a time attempting to extricate the vermin.  Foul little creatures, possums...  They hiss, snap, drool  and bare truly hideous fangs.  I've always imagined them to be passive.  Apparently "playing possum" is more of a last-ditch effort rather than an initial defense strategy.  Turtle Man ultimately prevails, but not before multiple close calls that seem to worry his paunchy buddy to no end.  Take care when cornering a possum.  They getsa mad!

There!  Up ahead, a large zombie possum exits a run-down building and begins to mutate.  I (somehow) sense that the ensuing metamorphosis will allow this one (and subsequent others) to hunt us in daylight.  That's bad and it would most certainly seal the fate of the little town. The possum (now walking in bipedal fashion) steps menacingly into the sunlight... and then... I'm awake.  I am safe!.  And the little town?  No longer my concern!  I shake myself good and awake to allow more pleasant thoughts to take hold (don't want to slip back into the same dream and get munched).  I discover that it's time to rise anyway - so I rise and shuffle slowly off to the kitchen...

Mutant zombie possums ... that's... just... fascinating...

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